WP-SlidesJS free WordPress plugin
WP-SlidesJS free WordPress plugin
WP-SlidesJS adds wp-slidesjs shortcut function to WordPress in order to create Slides JS slideshow from posts of a category.
Place [wp-slidesjs] shortcode into anywhere in the post or a page. You can use the following to specify the posts to show:
category_id: ID of the category to show posts from
category_slug: slug of the category to show posts from
page_id: id of the page to show
post_id: id of the post to show
and (optional)
limit: limit the number of the posts to show
Example 1:
[wp-slidesjs category_id=12 limit=6]
This will create the slider from the last 6 posts of category #12. You’ll going to have 6 slides this way.
Example 2:
[wp-slidesjs page_id=3,211,1389,1121 ]
This will create the slider from pages #3, #211, #1389 and #1121. You’ll going to have 4 slides this way.
The number of sliders per page is unlimited.