WP-FacebookConnect free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: comments facebook

WP-FacebookConnect free WordPress plugin

WP-FacebookConnect adds Facebook functionality to WordPress using the Facebook Connect APIs. Features include: Single-signon with your Facebook account Publish comments to the newsfeed Comment avatars display Facebook profile photos What’s New: 1.3 – Add a “Like” button to posts – No longer set user_email because it no longer works, and overwrites user-entered addresses 1.2 – Template bundles have been replaced with the stream.publish API. Any template customizations will need to be updated for this API. Upgrades Please see the CHANGES file for information that may be useful when upgrading from an older release. A note on ‘nofollow’ When a Facebook Connect user posts a comment the author field of the comment will link back to that user’s public profile page at Facebook. For instance, my comments link back to http://www.facebook.com/people/Adam-Hupp/806285106. To reduce spamming WordPress automatically adds the nofollow attribute to all comment links, but this is undesirable when the links are generated by a trusted source (e.g the plugin). For this reason the plugin will remove the nofollow attribute from all Facebook user comments. This is configurable on the Settings page. Known Problems The login status box (“Welcome, youname”) has a fixed size instead of expanding to fit the name. Future Work Support avatars and newsfeed for blog posters. Notification when a friend comments on the same article you have. Widget to display your friends that have visited the blog. Widget to invite friends to read the article. How Does it Work? The first time a user selects the “Connect” button the plugin will create a new wordpress user named ‘fbN’, where N is a Facebook user id. The Facebook user id is also stored in the wp_usermeta table under the key ‘fbuid’. The plugin can securely identify the Facebook user because it recieved signed session cookies along with the request. Once the WordPress and Facebook account are linked and the Facebook userid is verified the plugin sets a WordPress login cookie. The page reloads and at this point the user will be logged into the blog. Most login state handling occurs in fbc_init_auth.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WP-FacebookConnect free WordPress plugin