WordPress CSS Drop-down Menu free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: css dropdown menu

WordPress CSS Drop-down Menu free WordPress plugin

Note: This plugin requires PHP 5 Warning: This plugin requires knowledge of CSS to use adequately in widgets Features at a glance: Widgetised to make it really easy to add multiple dropdowns anywhere on the page you have sidebars Ability to create the menu wherever you want with PHP Classes Leverages the new WordPress 2.8 widget settings to allow quick and easy multiple widget instances Theming options: Multi-level dropdown (CSS included) Multi-level left/right flyouts (CSS included) Support for Superfish Javascript (CSS included) Works with other CSS (within reason) If you want me to modify the CSS for you simply contact me and I will do it easily and quickly for you for a moderate sum. It uses Stu Nicholl’s final drop-down code which is a complete CSS solution – no Javascript required!! You can look on Stu’s site for other drop-down code as I got the flyout left and right code from there. Don’t forget to donate if you’re using his styles. Most of his CSS should work just fine with the menu. I’ve made it so that the plugin automatically finds menu.css in the plugin’s folder and loads it in your WordPress site so you can instantly see how it will look. If you want to create your own CSS simply create menu.css in your theme’s root directory and the plugin will load that automatically for you. Please note that if you’re upgrading you will need to change your theme files to suit the new approach. See Installation for further information.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WordPress CSS Drop-down Menu free WordPress plugin