WEBAY, Get Your Ebay Feedbacks free WordPress plugin


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WEBAY, Get Your Ebay Feedbacks free WordPress plugin

WEBAY, Get Your Ebay Feedbacks powered by WeMiura is a plugin that allows you to capture your ebay’s feedback and show them on your site in a beautiful carousel effect. Ideal for those who sell on ebay and decide to open their own ecommerce ( WordPress / Woocommerce ). The reviews on reliability of the seller are very important for your sale, you must immediately transmit confidence to your customers. With this plugin you can immediately prove that you are a serious and reliable seller , without having to wait to start selling on your site Ecommerce. The feedback and ratings are updated automatically and saved in the database to optimize the load times and to avoid exceeding the limits of api calls that ebay allows. However, you can update manually your feedbacks at any time you want. The style of the carousel is fully customizable. Choose between two beautiful Effect, slide or fade In this free version you can see the last 5 feedbacks. DEMO LIVE http://www.wemiura.com/get-your-ebay-feedback/ Shortcode [wm_getebayfb] Features Connect Ebay Account Simple Installation and Configuration ( step by step ) Shortcode usage for insert you carousel anywhere you want, in posts, pages or template Widgets option: Show your Ebay’s Feedback in sidebar. Responsive Touch Optimized for every Devices Carousel Customizable Automatic Update of your Feedback Load time optimized ( Plugin read in your database ) Possibility to update manually your feedbacks at any time you want DEMO LIVE http://www.wemiura.com/get-your-ebay-feedback/


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WEBAY, Get Your Ebay Feedbacks free WordPress plugin