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Are some of your readers impatient, want to skip long text and immediately jumpt to the summary? Read more...
Simply add anchors links inside your content. Shortcode [wpanchor id=”your_id”] is added via a button in Wisiwig. Read more...
Simply add anchors links inside your content. Shortcode [wpanchor id=”your_id”] is added via a button in Wisiwig. Read more...
Simply add anchors links inside your content. Shortcode [wpanchor id=”your_id”] is added via a button in Wisiwig. Read more...
Simply use the [toc content=”.your-container”] shortcode to automatically generate a table of contents for any HTML container. Read more...
GutenTOC is SEO-friendly customizable plugin for Gutenberg which allows you to create table of contents automatically. SUPPORTING Read more...
This plugin allows you to permalink (i.e., bookmark) to content on Twitter Bootstrap tabs (and now content Read more...