Simple News Ticker free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: jquery news ticker widget

Simple News Ticker free WordPress plugin

This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress site called Simple News Ticker, publish this widget wherever needed and set its options, the plugin uses Flexslider Jquery plugin to create a slider of Posts(only titles), you can navigate throught the posts, the options are: –Title: Title of the widget –Categories to show, use slugs separated by commas: Which categories to include in the loop, they can be custom post types categories –Categories to hide, use ids separated by commas: The categories to hide, here you need to use id’s –Offset, number: Write the number for offset in the loop, this means the number of post you need to jump from beginning. –Number of posts to show: Posts per page –Post Type to use: This field will list all available post types in theme for you to choose one Usage instructions Go to Appearance/Widgets and find new widget called Simple News Ticker, just publish it and set options. Find plugin and issues solved at or fork it on Github at


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Simple News Ticker free WordPress plugin