Semantic Shortcode free WordPress plugin


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Semantic Shortcode free WordPress plugin

This plugin used for display shortcode like Button, Divider, Flag, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Label, List, Reveal, Grid, Message, Accordion, Tab, Transition. This plugin used for lots of shortcode : Button You can add customize button with size, color, text, link. You can add animation to button. Divider You can add horizontal as well as vertical divider. You can add text between divider. Flag You can add short-code for flag. Header You can add short-code for header. Icon You can add lots of semantic icons. Image You can add images with lots of frame. You can add animation to images. Input You can add input fields with icon. You can adjust icon placement. Label You can add label with lots of animation. You can add icon or images with label. List You can add listing with lots of customization. You can add animation to listing. Reveal You can add lots of reveal animation. Grid You can add grid layout. You can create structure of site using grid short-code. Message You can add message layout like error message. Accordion You can add accordion. Tab You can add nested short-code. Transition You can add lots of transition effect. This plugin used for lots of shortcode : Button You can add customize button with size, color, text, link. You can add animation to button. Divider You can add horizontal as well as vertical divider. You can add text between divider. Flag You can add short-code for flag. Header You can add short-code for header. Icon You can add lots of semantic icons. Image You can add images with lots of frame. You can add animation to images. Input You can add input fields with icon. You can adjust icon placement. Label You can add label with lots of animation. You can add icon or images with label. List You can add listing with lots of customization. You can add animation to listing. Reveal You can add lots of reveal animation. Grid You can add grid layout. You can create structure of site using grid short-code. Message You can add message layout like error message. Accordion You can add accordion. Tab You can add nested short-code. Transition You can add lots of transition effect. A few notes about the sections above: “Contributors” Semantic “Tags” Element, Collections, Modules, Button, Divider, Flag, Header, Icon, Image, Input, Label, List, Reveal, Grid, Message, Accordion, Tab, Transition, shortcode, sematic “Requires at least” 4.0 “Tested up to” 4.7


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Semantic Shortcode free WordPress plugin