Responsive Grid Shortcode free WordPress plugin
Responsive Grid Shortcode free WordPress plugin
The plugin utilizes the 12 column responsive grid CSS from with the default 1.6% margin and 480PX media query.
Major features in Responsive Grid Shortcode include:
Responsive grids up to 12 columns
Add classes to each column or section for precise control over styles.
Simple to use shortcode. All you have to know is how to count to 12!
The shortcode are extremely simply to follow as they follow as you can see below.
[grid_section] [grid_col size=4] First Col Content [/grid_col] [grid_col size=4] Second Col Content [/grid_col] [grid_col size=4] Third Col Content [/grid_col] [/grid_section]
NOTE: The one thing to keep in mind is that all the column sizes inside a section MUST equal 12.
Some things that you should note. Responsive Grid Shortcode default to size 6 if no size attribute is provided.
An example of this is below:
[grid_section] [grid_col] Left Side [/grid_col] [grid_col] Right Side [/grid_col] [/grid_section]
FYI: The column size can be any number. The each size value represents {size} of 12.
We kept the options extremely simple to make sure the system is light weight.
[grid_section class=custom-class]
class – You can provide a custom class to the section if you choose.
[grid_col size=4 class=custom-class]
class (optional) – You can provide a custom class to the column if you choose.
size (optional) – number out of 12. (2 = 2 out 12 | 3 = 3 out of 12)
[grid_section class=my-grid]
[grid_col size=8]The size of this colum is 8[/grid_col] [grid_col size=4]The size of this column is 4.[/grid_col]
Notice that the column sizes when added up equal 12.