Realty by BestWebSoft free WordPress plugin


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Realty by BestWebSoft free WordPress plugin

Realty plugin makes it easy to create your own real estate WordPress website. Add Realty widgets, add and manage unlimited properties, agents and property info for each listing. Start your online real estate WordPress website today! Free Features Add unlimited number of properties Add widgets: Realty recent items Sale/Rent form Separate properties by property type Add property info: Location Latitude and longitude coordinates Property type: Rent Sale Set the rental period: Month Year Price Number of: Bathrooms Bedrooms Edit footer area Photos Choose currency: From the list Custom currency Choose currency position: Before numerals After numerals Select area units Square foot Square meter Custom Compatible with PDF & Print Add custom code via plugin settings page Compatible with latest WordPress version Incredibly simple settings for fast setup without modifying code Detailed step-by-step documentation and videos Multilingual and RTL ready Pro Features All features from Free version included plus: Add unlimited number of agents Add agent info: Location Company Telephone Email Additional info Add custom property features to each listing Install/Delete demo data Get answer to your support question within one business day (Support Policy) Upgrade to Pro Now If you have a feature suggestion or idea you’d like to see in the plugin, we’d love to hear about it! Suggest a Feature Documentation & Videos [Doc] Installation [Doc] Purchase [Video] Installation Instruction Help & Support Visit our Help Center if you have any questions, our friendly Support Team is happy to help — Translation Czech (cs_CZ) (thanks to PaMaDeSSoft, Russian (ru_RU) Ukrainian (uk) Some of these translations are not complete. We are constantly adding new features which should be translated. If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files to BestWebSoft and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit. Recommended Plugins Updater – Automatically check and update WordPress website core with all installed plugins and themes to the latest versions. PDF & Print – Generate PDF files and print WordPress posts/pages. Customize document header/footer styles and appearance.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Realty by BestWebSoft free WordPress plugin