RDP Wiki-Press Embed free WordPress plugin


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RDP Wiki-Press Embed free WordPress plugin

This plugin is no longer maintained. It’s functionality has be split into the following two plug-ins: RDP PediaPress Embed & RDP Wiki Embed RDP Wiki-Press Embed will pull content from any MediaWiki website (such as wikipedia.org) and from PediaPress. It strips and reformats the content, allowing you to supply some arguments to dictate how this works. RDP Wiki-Press Embed also allows lead capture capabilities, utilizing free PediaPress ebooks as an offer. The default behavior is to display two tabs. The first tab will display whatever text, HTML, and/or another shortcode you desire. The second tab will display the original PediaPress.com book page within an iframe. Known Issues CSS clashes with Lightbox Plus Colorbox plug-in Forked from: Wiki Embed plugin. Usage If you are not using “Overwrite” mode, make sure to un-tick the box for “Look for all links to wiki sites listed in the Security section…” Wiki Content RDP Wiki-Press Embed is implemented using the shortcode [wiki-embed]. It accepts the following arguments: url: (required) the web address of the wiki article that you want to embed on this page. no-edit: Hide the “edit” links from the wiki. no-contents: Hide the page’s contents box. no-infobox: Hide any infobox that appears on the wiki for this page. tabs: Replaces the sections of the wiki article with tabs. accordion: Replaces the sections of the wiki article with an accordion. This option cannot be used as the same time as ‘tabs’. Example: [wiki-embed url=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Example” no-edit no-contents no-infobox accordion] PediaPress Book For embedding PediaPress book pages, the following arguments are accepted: url: (required) the web address of the PediaPress book that you want to embed on this page. toc_show: 0 (zero) to hide table of contents (TOC) or 1 to show toc_links: Default — TOC links are enabled; Logged-in — TOC links are active only when a user is logged in; Disabled — TOC links are completely disabled, all the time image_show: 0 (zero) to hide cover image or 1 to show title_show: 0 (zero) to hide book title or 1 to show subtitle_show: 0 (zero) to hide book sub-title or 1 to show editor_show: 0 (zero) to hide book editor or 1 to show language_show: 0 (zero) to hide book language or 1 to show add_to_cart_show: 0 (zero) to hide Add-to-Cart button or 1 to show book_size_show: 0 (zero) to hide book size or 1 to show cta_button_text: text for call-to-action button cta_button_width: integer indicating pixel width of call-to-action button; default is 250; max is 500 cta_button_top_color: gradient top color cta_button_bottom_color: gradient bottom color cta_button_font_color: normal button text color cta_button_font_hover_color: text color when cursor is on the button cta_button_border_color: button border color cta_button_box_shadow_color: button’s drop shadow color cta_button_text_shadow_color: drop shadow color of button’s text Examples: [wiki-embed url=’http://pediapress.com/books/show/american-warplanes-of-wwii-fighters-bombe’] [wiki-embed url=’http://pediapress.com/books/show/american-warplanes-of-wwii-fighters-bombe’ toc_show=’1′ toc_links=’logged-in’] For the Call-to-Action button to appear, the shortcode must be an enclosing shortcode, containing text, HTML, and/or another shortcode, between the opening and closing shortcode tags. [wiki-embed url=’http://pediapress.com/books/show/american-warplanes-of-wwii-fighters-bombe’ toc_show=’1′ toc_links=’logged-in’ cta_button_top_color=’#eded00′ cta_button_text_shadow_color=’#cd8a15′][/wiki-embed] PediaPress Gallery Embedding a PediaPress gallery of books is implemented using the shortcode [wiki-embed-ppgallery]. It accepts the following arguments: col: (required) number of columns to display per page num: (required) number of books to display per page size: accepted values – small, medium, large – dictate image and font size of gallery elements cat: comma separated list of category id numbers books must belong to tag: comma separated list of tag id numbers books must belong to sort_col: column name by which to sort books sort_dir: direction to sort books (ASC / DESC) cta_button_text: text for call-to-action button cta_button_width: integer indicating pixel width of call-to-action button; default is 250; max is 500 cta_button_top_color: gradient top color cta_button_bottom_color: gradient bottom color cta_button_font_color: normal button text color cta_button_font_hover_color: text color when cursor is on the button cta_button_border_color: button border color cta_button_box_shadow_color: button’s drop shadow color cta_button_text_shadow_color: drop shadow color of button’s text The layout for displaying each book in the gallery is based on the template file located at: resources/ppgallery-template/ppgallery.column.results.html A sample template that displays buttons is located at: resources/ppgallery-template/ppgallery.column.results-sample.html Examples: [wiki-embed-ppgallery col=’3′ num=’3′] [wiki-embed-ppgallery col=’2′ num=’10’ cat=’5′ tag=’7,8′ sort_col=’post_date’ sort_dir=’DESC’ /] For the Call-to-Action button to appear, the shortcode must be an enclosing shortcode, containing text, HTML, and/or another shortcode, between the opening and closing shortcode tags. [wiki-embed-ppgallery col=’3′ num=’3′ cta_button_font_hover_color=’#8224e3′][/wiki-embed-ppgallery] Configuration Settings for the plugin can be found in ‘Wiki Embed’ -> ‘Settings’. Here you can enable/disable various features, define shortcode defaults, and configure some global settings for the plugin. PHP Hook Reference: rdp_pp_book_scripts_enqueued Param 1: Shortcode attributes Param 2: Shortcode content Fires after enqueuing scripts and styles for a single book rdp_pp_gallery_scripts_enqueued Param 1: Shortcode attributes Param 2: Shortcode content Fires after enqueuing scripts and styles for a gallery page PHP Filter Reference: rdp_pp_book_cta_button Param: String containing HTML for Call-to-Action button when displaying a single book Return: HTML for Call-to-Action button when displaying a single book rdp_pp_book_main_content_classes Param: String containing class names for the #mainContent container when displaying a single book Return: class names for the #mainContent container when displaying a single book rdp_pp_book_atc_href Param: String containing href value for Call-to-Action button when displaying a single book Return: href value for Call-to-Action button when displaying a single book rdp_pp_gallery_item Param 1: String containing HTML for a single gallery item Param 2: Array of input values for the gallery item Return: HTML for a single gallery item Javascript Hook Reference: rdp_pp_gallery_colorbox_onOpen Param 1: jQuery Event object Param 2: jQuery object that fired the hook Fires after updating tab #2 in the Colorbox lightbox Gallery Item Merge Code Reference: %%BookSize%% = book size %%CTAButtonText%% = Call-to-Action text %%Editor%% = book editor %%Excerpt%% = excerpt for the book %%FullTitle%% = concatenation of the book title and sub-title %%Image%% = URL to book cover image %%Language%% = book language %%Link%% = URL to PediaPress.com book page %%PostID%% = post id for the book %%PostLink%% = URL to the post for the book %%PriceAmount%% = book price %%PriceCurrency%% = currency denomination %%Subtitle%% = book sub-title %%Title%% = book title


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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RDP Wiki-Press Embed free WordPress plugin