PS Disable Auto Formatting free WordPress plugin


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PS Disable Auto Formatting free WordPress plugin

If you are annoying by the habit of the WordPress automatic formatting, try this plugin. PS Disable Auto Formatting stops automatic formatting of WordPress (wpautop), and modifies the html source generated by the visual editor. This plugin stops automatic formatting of WordPress (wpautop), and modifies the html source generated by the visual editor. When editing it in the HTML mode, it stops unintended removal of br tag and p tag , either addition of p tag. And when editing in the visual mode, it achieves to generate natural changing line and paragraph that you will intend. Functions Disable the auto formating in the each areas of post, comment, excerpt, terms description. Stops the auto removal of p and br tag when editing html mode. Batch formatting to all articles that you have already posted. Notice Please back up the data base as much as possible before doing the batch formatting. Though we have tested as much as possible, there is a possibility that processing stops on the way. Even if some trouble occurs in the article data by some rare accident, we can not assume the responsibility. If you have any problems or find a bug in this plugin, please report to us. Links “PS Auto Sitemap” is a plugin automatically generates a site map page from your WordPress site. It is easy to install for beginners and easy to customize for experts. It can change the settings of the display of the lists from administration page, several neat CSS skins for the site map tree are prepared. “CMS service with WordPress” provides you service that uses WordPress as a CMS. Special Thanks Translation:dacelo Naming Advise:Samuel Bollinge


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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PS Disable Auto Formatting free WordPress plugin