Payfacile free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: boutique paiement payfacile payment shop

Payfacile free WordPress plugin

Insert customizable Payfacile buttons and widgets into your pages and posts easily. Features Add “shortcode” button and custom form into post and page editor. Customizable “product url” 3 ways to display: as “direct button”, as “modal button” and as “widget” (iframe) Customizable button “text button”, “text color”, “background color” Customizable iframe “height” and “width”, “border color” and “border width” Credits Payfacile Shortcode Insert from post & page editor (wysiwyg button) as button * into popup * [payfacile type_of=button textbutton=buy_now color_text=#ffffff color_bg=#26a699 win_target=popup url=] ** into new window ** [payfacile type_of=button textbutton=buy_now color_text=#ffffff color_bg=#26a699 win_target=new url=] as iframe [payfacile type_of=iframe url= outline_width=1 outline_color=#26a699 iframe_width=600 iframe_height=740] Links payfacile


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Payfacile free WordPress plugin