Like FB free WordPress plugin
Like FB free WordPress plugin
This plugin will allow you to add a facebook like button and google+ button to each of your post, just before the post contents.
They are styled float on left part. Thus shown closely with the contents, which it the conversion rate a lot higher. Moreover, as they
being one click action button, users tends to use them more then the share buttons. This have a simple administration which facilitates
to disable/enable the buttons as per your own will.
This also includes a facebook popup box feature, which will show up to user after a certain delay(configurable via settings). This is
great over other plugins as this doesn’t show up immediately that annoys visitor, rather than after a delay so that they can get the time
to read your post and thus have a higher conversion rate of getting more facebook fans. Also, instead of showing on every page load, this
popup box is shown once every 7 days, managed by browser cookies.
I have this plugin implemented on my Programming Tutorials blog, which you can checkout as demo.
I am looking forward if you want some more customization feature on it. Just let me know.Thanks.