Ink Appointment Booking free WordPress plugin


Ink Appointment Booking free WordPress plugin

The Ink Appointment Booking is a business website-oriented plugin that provides an easy platform to your customers to book appointments for the services directly from your website. You can provide flexibility to your appointment form; i.e. you can create your business services specifying a particular date and time. In return your customers will take a quick view on your services and can book a suitable time slot for a specified date. You can allow them to make payment either via PayPal(online payment available on pro version) or Pay cash later. This is how they make an online appointment to avail your services. Ink Appointment is well implemented with all the necessary functionality that will make the online booking simpler and easier for your customers. Now you don’t need to use any other external resources for the appointment feature. Appointway Appointment WordPress Theme is a very simple to use theme, integrated with complete appointment booking system(pro version). You can check list of WordPress Appointment WordPress Themes You can set the form in any page you want. All you need to do is to create a new page and place the following code. “[ink-appointments-form]” This will set the form on the desired page. Moreover, if you want to display the form under the widget or sidebar, you can simply drag and drop the Ink-appoinment widget in any of the footer and display the form. Appointment WordPress Plugin You can check list of WordPress Appointment WordPress Plugins Features of Ink Appointment Booking plugin(Lite Version): Allows you to create desired services by specifying date, time and price details. You can create multiple services with Ink Appointment plugin that will be displayed on your website. Allows your potential customers to book appointments for a particular time slot at a specific date. Track records of new and previous customer’s appointment details. Clutter-free management of customer appointment list on WordPress dashboard. Cash payment option for the customers. Compatible with any of the WordPress themes. Features of Ink Appointment Booking plugin (Pro Version): Allows you to create desired services by specifying date, time and price details. You can create multiple services with Ink Appointment plugin that will be displayed on your website. Allows your potential customers to book appointments for a particular time slot at a specific date. Track records of new and previous customer’s appointment details. Clutter-free management of customer appointment list on WordPress dashboard. Integrated payment mode through PayPal. Cash payment option for the customers who want to access the service first and intend to pay cash later. Track and manage customer’s payment records on the WordPress dashboard. Can customize opt-in field and service’s bar heading according to the website niche. Spam-less appointment form with Captcha option. Compatible with any of the WordPress themes. Benefits of Ink Appointment Booking plugin: This plugin is for business websites. It enhances the opt-in functionality which makes your services addressable to your customers quickly. It illustrates: Simple to configure and easy to implement. Create multiple services on your website. One view of all your website services to the customers. Create desired services specifying days for appointments. Easy scheduling of appointments for the clients. In-hand payment options for your customers. Saves user’s time as they can book an appointment for services online. Manage customer’s appointment list in an easy and clutter-free manner. Links that will help you to improve your website. WordPress Contact Form Plugin. WordPress Sliding Contact Form. Contact Form Integrated With Google Maps. Booking WordPress Theme


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Ink Appointment Booking free WordPress plugin