Google Talk Widget free WordPress plugin
Google Talk Widget free WordPress plugin
** Note to previous users of 1.0: ** This is essentially a new plugin. The old chat badge can be added to your sidebar by copy and pasting google’s badge code into a normal text widget.
Using Google Talk, you can now simulate a professional live chat system on your website! This plugin allows further flexibility over Google Talk by allowing customizeable online/offline status badges, as well as wrapping the chat window in a smooth overlay effect, avoiding the need for ugly popups.
New features in 2.0:
Multi-account fallback (when one goes offline, another available account will be used).
Google Talk client is wrapped in a overlay widget.
AJAX online status checking – visitors don’t need to refresh the page when you come back online.
Customizeable online and offline icons
Customizeable link for offline clicks (e.g. your contact form)
Template tag and shortcode available
Online status caching for higher traffic volumes.
See also:
Google Talk
Google Talk Chatback