DD Last Viewed free WordPress plugin
DD Last Viewed free WordPress plugin
This plugin contains the lastViewed widget. This widget shows the users recently viewed/visited Posts, Pages, Custom Types and even Terms in a widget. Very nice to use in combination with Woo-commerce!
Using caching plugins? No problem! By 2 easy clicks you can bypass the caching and still get the best performance out of this widget.
The widget is fully customisable:
Filter on Types and Terms
Set the maximum
Set thumbnail on/off
Show Content(rich or plain) or Excerpt
Set the excerpt length
Add links to elements
Set cookie lifetime
Set cookie same site
Set cookie secure
Set cookie by PHP or JS
load widget with PHP or AJAX
customise the widget template by copy the file “dd-templates/lastviewed-widget.php” from the plugin directory into your theme directory. You can now start customising the widgets template.
If one of the posts with the filtered types or terms gets visited in the front, a cookie sets/updates with an array of visited ids. Each widget has his own cookie, so you can set as many widgets as you want.
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