Companion Sitemap Generator – HTML & XML free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: generator html robots sitemap xml

Companion Sitemap Generator – HTML & XML free WordPress plugin

What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages and posts your site, and the relationships between them. Search engines read this file to more intelligently crawl your site. A sitemap tells the search engine which pages you think are important in your site, and also provides valuable information about these pages: for example, when the page was last updated, how often the page is changed, and any alternate language versions of a page. Plugin Features Easily create a sitemap which is then updated every hour, or can be updated manually at any time via the WordPress dashboard. You can select single pages/posts or entire posttypes that you want to exclude from the sitemap. It will generate both an XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap that you can display on your site via the shortcode or gutenberg block. We’ll keep search engines up-to-date for you If there are changes being made to your sitemap we’ll notify search engines for you. You don’t have to submit them manual anymore. What do we add to the sitemap? The following URLs are added to the sitemap (with an option to hide them, ofcourse): Pages Posts Post categories Post tags Custom post types Custom taxonomies Additional pages: Add URLs yourself Robots editor While a sitemap allows search engines to scan pages faster, a robots.txt file disallows search engines from scanning certain pages. This plugin also comes with a handy robots editor to give you full control over your search engine visibility. Multilingual Companion Sitemap Generator also supports multilingual sitemaps. Right now this is only supported when using the Polylang plugin but more plugins will be added upon request. Multisite This plugin has support for multisite. Each site will get its own sitemap.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Companion Sitemap Generator – HTML & XML free WordPress plugin