CC Circle Progress Bar free WordPress plugin


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CC Circle Progress Bar free WordPress plugin

Simple circle animated progress bar. No limit to use. Demo link: Features 1. It will show any type of progressbar. 2. You can controll height and width. 3. You can control thickness. Usages Just use [progressbar] short code. Simple usage instruction: 1. Install This plug in your WordPress Site Usage [progressbar] this shortcode where you want to use it. You can control this shortcode via attributes. There is all attributes. id=”1″ => ID of every progressbar. Default value 1. Must change this value if you add more then one progress bar in post or page. dimen=”250″ => Height and width. Default value 250. You can control height and width via this. text=”90%” => Text in the circle. Default value 90%. Change it with your text or you can keep it blank if you don’t wanna put any text. info=”Photoshop” => Information of the circle, it shown under text. Default value Photoshop. Change it with your text or you can keep it blank if you don’t wanna put any text. width=”10″ => Thickness of bar. Default value 10. You can change it with your with your value. fontsize=”25″ => Font size of text. Default value 25. You can change it with your with your value. percent=”90″ => Percent of progress. Default value 90. You can change it with your with your value, value should be in 1 to 100. fgcolor=”#eee” => Foreground colour of progress. Default value #eee. You can change it with your with your value, value should be in RGB colour format start with Hash (#). bgcolor=”#000″ => Background colour of progress. Default value #000. You can change it with your with your value, value should be in RGB colour format start with Hash (#). fillcolor=”#000″ => Fill colour of progress. Default value none. You can change it with your with your value, value should be in RGB colour format start with Hash (#). type=”full” => Type of progress. Default value full. You can its value as half of full for showing half or full view of progressbar. border=”outline” => Border type of progress. Default value outline. You can its value as outline of inline. So, what right now?


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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CC Circle Progress Bar free WordPress plugin