Category – RSS widget menu free WordPress plugin
Category – RSS widget menu free WordPress plugin
This WordPress Plugin allows you to present a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site’s visitors in addition to your normal RSS subscription option. Ingo page :
If your site covers multiple topics then your subscribed readers may get annoyed when you update your site with content that they are not interested in and they get a notification in their RSS reader.
I found that most of the time I never subscribe to a site’s RSS feed when it doesn’t have the topic/category specific subscription option, specially when the site covers multiple topics cause I don’t like to be hammered with all the unwanted content updates.
This plugin allows you to configure up to 8 different topic specific RSS feeds.
There are three ways you can use this plugin:
Add the Category Specific RSS Widget to your sidebar from the Widget menu
Add the trigger text [category_specific_rss_menu] to your posts or pages
Call the function from template files: