Categorized Gallery Plugin free WordPress plugin
Categorized Gallery Plugin free WordPress plugin
Categorize gallery plugin in you add gallery category can add unlimited images in one category on your site.categorize gallery is provide fancy box animation on an image.categorize gallery provide shortcode category provide different shortcode for different can publish or unpublish image and also a image category.
Using shortcode, you can publish image or photo gallery into any Page or Post in your WordPress sites. You can use multiple gallery shortcode on multiple pages and posts to display various images galleries. You can also define number of column to display in post or page in shortcode like [image_gallery field=’2′ column=’4′ ] the default grid column will be 3.
Multiple Gallery Option.
Multiple Gallery Shortcode.
Customize Images Column Grid.
Simple & Very Easy Admin Gallery Dashboard.
Fancybox Animation Effect in front.
Hover color opacity effect.
Browser Compatible.
Add Unlimited Images into Gallery.
Multiple image upload at a same time in same category.
publish/unpublish image.
Publish/unpublish category.