Call To Action Popup free WordPress plugin
Call To Action Popup free WordPress plugin
Call To Action Popup – it’s an incredibly easy to use and completely free popup plugin for WordPress.
Main Features:
Create targeted marketing campaigns, keep customers from leaving your site, and build your mailing list easily and quickly with Call To Action Popup.
Create an unlimited number of popups with different looks and configurations.
Record number of PopUp displayed
Record number of Subscribed
Binding Event:
To record number of Subscribed, we have created Binding Event subscribed, you can use JavaScript to call to that Event on JavaScript event.
Example for event click:
$( “#foo” ).on( “click”, function() { $( “#cactus-popup” ).trigger(“subscribed”); });
[cta_popup id=””]
Parameter required:
ID: ID off PopUp post in PopUp Custom Post Type.