BibSonomy/PUMA CSL – Publications & Tag Cloud Widget free WordPress plugin


BibSonomy/PUMA CSL – Publications & Tag Cloud Widget free WordPress plugin

Plugin to create publication lists based on the Citation Style Language (CSL). Allows direct integration with the social bookmarking and publication sharing systems BibSonomy ( or PUMA ( BibSonomy is a social bookmarking and publication-sharing system. It integrates the features of bookmarking systems with team-oriented publication management. PUMA offers the same features and additional means for science groups and universities. PUMA and BibSonomy provide to their users the ability to store and organize their bookmarks and publications online. Further features include the integration of scientific communities through user groups as well as the collection, management, exchange, export and display of literature lists. With this plugin you have the possibility to render a list of publications, which you can filter by user or group. In addition you can filter the list by using tags or free text search. So it’s possible to render your own publications by selecting your own BibSonomy user and filtering the list with the tag ‘myown’. It’s also easily possible to integrate your BibSonomy Tag Cloud. To use this plugin, you need your PUMA/BibSonomy user name and API key. A extensive description about the plugin is available at


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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BibSonomy/PUMA CSL – Publications & Tag Cloud Widget free WordPress plugin