Annonces free WordPress plugin


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Annonces free WordPress plugin

Annonces display announces posted in your WordPress interface on a Google map. Shortcodes Display the Google Map in a page with the shortcode : [annonces] Filters Change metadatas in infowindow of map add_filter(‘set_marker_data’, ‘mytheme_set_marker_data’, 10, 2); function mytheme_set_marker_data($microdata, $annonce_id) { // datas return $microdata; } Change title of filter bloc over the map add_filter(‘bloc_filter_title’, ‘mytheme_set_filter_title’, 10, 1); function mytheme_set_filter_title($filter_title) { // datas return $filter_title; } Template You can create single-announces.php in your child theme to edit the single page of announce : code for the single-annouce.php ACF Width the ACF plugin, you can create or import fields to personalize your announces. Edit the templates as explain above. You will obtain custom announces which will suit your project


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Annonces free WordPress plugin