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Eric R
Plugin profiles
PanoPress free WordPress plugin
Embed 360° Panoramas on your site with PanoPress PanoPress is a free WordPress plugin for displaying 360 degree panoramas created with KRPano, Pano2VR, Kolor Panotour...
WPaudio MP3 Player free WordPress plugin
All the other WordPress mp3 players were crappy or ugly so I made a better one. WPaudio is a simple mp3 player. The minimal design...
JQuery Mega Menu Widget free WordPress plugin
Creates a widget, which allows you to add drop down mega menus from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple mega menus...
Opening Hours free WordPress plugin
Supports multiple Sets of Opening Hours (e.g. one for your restaurant and one for your bar) that you can use independently. Supports Holidays Supports Irregular...
WP Category Post List Widget free WordPress plugin
WP Category Posts List is a WordPress Widget & Shortcode plugin to show your posts filtered by category. Built on the latest WP widget class,...
WP Instant Feeds free WordPress plugin
Embedding your feed from your Instagram easily with WP Instant Feeds. What’s hot? No Access tokens needed! How cool! You can set number of items...
WooCommerce Cart Tab free WordPress plugin
A big UX mistake on many eCommerce web sites is hiding access to the cart. After adding a product to the cart the visitors next...
WordPress Landing Pages free WordPress plugin
WordPress Landing Pages works as a standalone plugin or hand in hand with WordPress Calls to Action & WordPress Leads to create a powerful &...
RICG Responsive Images free WordPress plugin
Bringing automatic default responsive images to WordPress. This plugin works by including all available image sizes for each image upload. Whenever WordPress outputs the image...
Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration free WordPress plugin
Given that I am not using WordPress these days and I haven’t really been using WooPoly for a while. I am looking for maintainers to...