BuddyPress Docs free WordPress plugin
BuddyPress Docs free WordPress plugin
BuddyPress Docs adds collaborative work spaces to your BuddyPress community. Part wiki, part document editing, part shared dropbox, think of these Docs as a BuddyPress version of the Docs service offered by the Big G ifyouknowwhatimean
Features include:
Docs that can be linked to groups or users, with a variety of privacy levels
Support for fully-private document uploads
Doc taxonomy, using tags
Fully sortable and filterable doc lists
TinyMCE front-end doc editing
One-editor-at-a-time prevention against overwrites, plus idle detection/autosave
Full access to revision history
Dashboard access and management of Docs for the site admin
This plugin is in active development. For feature requests and bug reports, visit http://github.com/boonebgorges/buddypress-docs. If you have translated the plugin and would like to provide your translation for distribution with BuddyPress Docs, please contact the plugin author.