DIOT SCADA with MQTT free WordPress plugin
DIOT SCADA with MQTT free WordPress plugin
DIOT which stands for Decoupled IOT, has its SCADA functionalities decoupled into Host and Node for flexibility and scalability that catered for IoT era. This plugin functions as the SCADA Host to work with your device or system, which will be treated as SCADA Node.
The supported IoT protocol is MQTT. You just need to enter the MQTT broker/server into the configuration. You may then subscribe to the desired topic with a shortcode to display in any desired web page or post.
[diot topic=”building/floor/device/sensor”]
Or, if you have a JSON content, you may add dollar sign as JSON root:
[diot topic=”building/floor/device/sensor$json.data”]
The content will be updated dynamically when the device publish any data.
You may also choose to display your realtime data in trending chart. Check out Ecava DIOT online demo to see how easy things can be done now!