Wopu Blogroll free WordPress plugin
Wopu Blogroll free WordPress plugin
This plugin adds new usefull blogroll widget.
Wopu Links Plus (Wopu Links+)
This widget allows you to configure how your links display in an advanced way. You can:
* Select what field of a link will be displayed
* Display your links in multi-column (max: 5)
* Sort your links
* Limit the number of displayed links
* Set the arrangement algorithm
Wopu Scroll Links
This widget make your link list become a marquee. You can controll:
* The direction of marqee (vertical or horizontal)
* The marquee velocity and loop time
* Select what field of a link will be displayed
* Sort your links
* Scolling area dimension
Thanks for Max Vergelli with his *jQuery Scroller” jQuery plugin.
Arbitrary section