Responsive Video Embedder free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: embed responsive video youtube

Responsive Video Embedder free WordPress plugin

This plugin adds a button to post editor to insert videos and video playlists easily. Simply click the button, paste YoutubeURL and kick Insert Video. Support for other video hostings will be added later. Video embedding can be used as a shortcode in posts and pages, including custom post types. A few notes about the sections above: Simple button in editor to add videos to your pages and posts Video is embedded responsively – will fit the container, keeping aspect ratio Supports the following parameters: controls (on/off), autoplay (on/off), autohide controls (on/off), loop (on/off) By clicking > Insert Video button it opens a popup window where you can paste video URL and set parameters. You can also set start time, or just leave it 0:00 if you want to play video from the beginning. Playlists are also supported. It also stores a list of recent videos where you can chose one of the videos you have used before (or saved for future). In later versions, there will be something like a video library to access and share videos between multiple wordpress administrators and editors. This plugin was a part of another bigger project. It was handy and easy to use, so I decided to extract the code to a stand-alone plugin and make it available for free for public. Usage When you use > Insert Video button in post / page editor, it adds a shortcode automatically. Alternatively, you can put a shortcode manually: [rem_video id=”XXXXX” list=”YYYYY” autplay=0 controls=1 autohide=0 loop=0] XXXXX is a video ID from Youtube URL, it comes after v=, like YYYYY is a playlist ID (for playlists), like autoplay=(0|1): if 1, video will start automatically when your page is loaded. Default is 0 – video will not start automatically. autohide=(0|1): if 1, it will hide controls when video is played. Default is 0 – controls will be always visible. controls=(0|1): if 1, controls will be shown, if 0 – hidden. Default is 1. loop=(0|1): if 1, when video is ended, it will start from the beginning. If it is a playlist, it will loop from first video in the list.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Responsive Video Embedder free WordPress plugin