MailPoet Paid Memberships Pro Add-on free WordPress plugin
MailPoet Paid Memberships Pro Add-on free WordPress plugin
This plugin requires MailPoet plugin and Paid Memberships Pro plugin.
Adds a checkbox on checkout page for your customers to subscribe to your MailPoet newsletters.
English (en_US) [Default] – always included. mailpoet-paid-memberships-pro-addon.pot file in language folder for translations.
If you would like to do a translation for the plugin, you can do so via Transifex. (
Simply select or add a language you want to translate in and I will attach the language in the next version release. You will need an account on Transifex to do this.
If you have done a translation via PoEdit, then you are welcome to send that also. To send your translation files contact me. (
I’ll acknowledge your contribution here with either your full name or username given.
For all documentation on this plugin go to:
To contribute to the plugin, visit for details.