Wbb Off-canvas – Responsive menu free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: easy hamburger menu off-canvas responsive

Wbb Off-canvas – Responsive menu free WordPress plugin

This plugin creates a complete configurable dynamic responsive off-canvas menu including links to the different pages and posts. Customization: The complete menu can easily be customised and integrated to the chosen theme. You can configure the position of the menu and his corresponding menu-icon. Style the menu by changing colours of backgrounds, borders, text, mouse hover you can also adapt the font family to make it fit with your web design. Responsive: Select the device where to show the off-canvas menu. There are several devices where you can select from like desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile. The mobile device is by default selected. Positioning: Configure easily the position of the menu button. You have also the choice of side to slide in from (left /right side of your web page). With the WordPress customizer you see the off-canvas menu live in action when customizing position and style. Settings Status Here you can activate or deactivate the plugin by a simple click. General Menu Name Here you can select the menu on which you would like to apply the off-canvas menu plugin. This menu was created by the user under the appearance menu of WordPress. Device visibility This settings lets you activate the device (computer, laptop, tablet, mobile)on where the menu should appear. When deactivated no off-canvas-menu will be shown. Off Canvas Menu Positioning You can define the position of the off-canvas menu as well as the position of the menu-icon. The position of the off-canvas menu (opening part) can be placed on the left as well as on the right of the website. The position of the menu-icon that triggers the opening of the off-canvas menu could be placed within a < div> element using the class “.” or id “#” of that < div> element. Besides there is the option to place it left or right inside this < div> element. Font family You can use the font-family used in the theme or use one of the default typeface categories: * Serif * Sans-serif * Monospace Colour There is a nice way of adapting and changing the style of the off-canvas menu. We have the option to change: * Background colour * Background colour on mouse over * Border colour * Font colour * Font colour on mouse over Menu button Menu button icon There is a library of existing icons that can be customized or used directly. If these icons do not fit in your design you can upload your own ones and apply this to the off-canvas menu. The new added icons will be uploaded to the Media library of WordPress. Additional Info More Webberty


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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Wbb Off-canvas – Responsive menu free WordPress plugin