wp-autosuggest free WordPress plugin
wp-autosuggest free WordPress plugin
WP AutoSuggest adds the Auto Suggest support to the WordPress search. The visitor can enter a keyword and the plugin will show him a few suggestion via an AJAX request before submitting the search query. The visitor can continue his search by pressing enter or he/she can use the keyboard arrows (up and down) to visit directly a suggested post.
Changelog – from 0.23 to 0.24
CSS has been fixed to validate. ( background-image: transparent; -> background: transparent; )
Changelog – from 0.22 to 0.23
Move images to plugin’s root directory/images and update CSS accordingly
to this location. Most wp extensions store images like this and while this
is completely invisible to end user – it makes it simpler for developers.
Pressing enter on search field did not submit form earlierly on all
browsers. This now has been changed and advantage is that when wp-autosuggest
is enabled, user can have a form without submit button and form is submitted
by pressing ENTER when cursor is on search field. (Some browsers would do
this behavior even without the code)
Changelog – from 0.21 to 0.22
Changed loading of javascript and css to new way which was introduced in
wordpress 2.7 and should be used since then – this new way to define loading
of scripts and styles avoids them from loading twice – and there also are
plugins that allow installation to use google hosted scripts if available
as well – but they only work if you use this new way.
Unfortunately this breaks compatibility to older WP installations than 2.7
although this COULD be made backwards compatible by checking first if
wp_enqueue_script and wp_enqueue_style functions are missing and in that
case software would use the old way. This has not been done in 0.22.
If you are using older than 2.7 – Do not upgrade to v0.22
Changelog – from 0.2 to 0.21
Changed readme.txt
Changelog – from 0.1 to 0.2
Round corners only worked nicely with white background (images didn’t have transparency);
Removed round corner images for container and made corners round with CSS3.
Changed “tip” graphic
wp-autosuggest html: layout has been simplified
wp-autosuggest css: removed unnecessary parts
Localization support added:
tested that it works with and without languageswitcher plugin
removed setting that contained “no results” text, this now on is fetched from localization file
fixed broken support for international characters
Fixed a typo in the beginning of javascript file (there was extra “7” before comments in beginning of file)
Removed some unnecessary files.