NEO Bootstrap Carousel free WordPress plugin
NEO Bootstrap Carousel free WordPress plugin
Are you looking for responsive, user-friendly and robust WordPress Twitter Bootstrap Carousel plugin?
NEO Bootstrap Carousel is a light and easy weight plugin that adds Twitter Bootstrap Carousel to your WordPress website. You can add multiple slides or 3 most recent posts and show them as a carousel on any page or post by inserting [neo_carousel_shortcode id=”put id here”] shortcode.
Online Demo
100% Responsive
Easy To Customize
Built With Bootstrap
Title & Caption (can be switched on/off)
Title, Caption & Button can be animated
Button Navigation (Bullets) (can be switched on/off, off by default)
Arrow Navigation (can be switched on/off)
Twitter Bootstrap was designed and built by @mdo and @fat.
Animate.css by Daniel Eden.
Please contribute to translate our plugin. Contact at