WordCycle free WordPress plugin
WordCycle free WordPress plugin
WordCycle is a WordPress plugin that acts as a wrapper for the popular jQuery Cycle Plugin by Mike Alsup. Use the [slideshow] shortcode to insert a jQuery Cycle slideshow into your WordPress post or page.
No JavaScript necessary! Customize the slideshow using the shortcode options and by modifying your theme’s stylesheet. The plugin also adds a custom template tag wordcycle_slideshow().
WordCycle is developed by Esther S White
Usage and Examples
Uploaded images are called attachments in the WordPresss database. If WordCycle is installed, you can use the [slideshow] shortcode to create a slideshow of all the attachments associated with a post. You can also use the custom template tag wordcycle_slideshow() in your WordPress template files.
The slideshow advances automatically and is minimally styled. The slideshow uses the Link, Title, and Caption attributes of the WordPress Image Uploader/Gallery, as well as the gallery sorting options.
To add the slideshow to a post, insert this code: [slideshow]
More examples available on the plugin website.
Options & Defaults
id // post id: #, current (default)
order // slide order: ASC (default), DESC, RAND
orderby // slide order by: menu_order ID (default), see list in codex: https://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/get_posts
size // image size: thumbnail, small, medium (default), large, full-size
speed // effect speed: slow (default), normal, fast
fx // slideshow effect (view the jQuery Cycle Plugin Effects Browser for a complete list)
timeout // time on each slide: miliseconds: 8000 (default)
pause // pause on mouse-over: 0 (default) or 1
next // selector of element to use as click trigger for next slide : null (default) or DOM element ID
prev // selector of element to use as click trigger for previous slide : null (default) or DOM element ID
include // include image by ID
exclude // exclude image by ID
link // image link: file, attachment
align // slideshow position: left, right, none (default)
float (deprecated) // slideshow position: left, right, none (default)