BuddyPress MyMood free WordPress plugin


BuddyPress MyMood free WordPress plugin

BuddyPress MyMood is a BuddyPress, which allows the members to express their moods at different times with a activity status post. Members can use smileys and also show latest mood on the member profile for their friends to know about it. The plug-in comes with various inbuilt mood types and you can add your custom mood too. List of plugin that (BuddyPress MyMood) support Buddypress Activity Plus by WPMUDEV (https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-activity-plus/) Please comment you view about this plugin here BuddyPress MyMood Page. Request : I am doing my best to maintain this plugin for you. and asking nothing from you, i just want your contribution on just improving this plugin by suggesting me ideas and reporting the bugs. And if you just say a thanks to me will make happpy and encourage to cotinue the development. Please comment on this page BuddyPress MyMood Page.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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BuddyPress MyMood free WordPress plugin