Pet Manager free WordPress plugin
Pet Manager free WordPress plugin
Animals as posts – every animal is kept as a post type, add a pet is like to add blog posts or pages.
Especial info – add specific info for every pet such type, age, size, colors, breed etc.
Frontend post – Let users to post animals from a page in your site.
Display Widget – display pets by category, status etc anywhere on your theme.
Search form Widget – a simple search form for pets.
Contact form (Jetpack or SlimJetpack is required) – Display a contact form so vistors can send an email to the post author.
Display Google Maps – display a static Google Map just by provinding an address.
Fully localized – ready to display info in your language.
Your own special info – you do’t need to stick to the info, e.g. you can use only the special you need such Status.
Works on BuddyPress – added BuddyPress suport so pet posts are aso listed in Activity Stream.
Please note though Pet Manager share some data with old ADA plugin, Pet Manager is not a update. If you need some help on migrating to this new plugin let me know in Pet Manager Suport Forum.
Advanced Info
Custom post type: pet
Taxonomies: pet-type, pet-status, pet-color, pet-gender, pet-age, pet-breed, pet-size, pet-coat and pet-pattern
Metadata: _data_pet_vaccines, _data_pet_desex, _data_pet_needs, _data_pet_address, _data_pet_email_option