MyPuzzle Sliding free WordPress plugin
MyPuzzle Sliding free WordPress plugin
Major features in this version include:
New! Use the included MyPuzzle Image Gallery and random startup images
New! Link your own Image Library
The sliding puzzles can be inserted everywhere: in your theme files, posts and pages.
Use your own image url and automatically get sliding puzzles for them
Three different levels 3×3, 4×4 and 5×5 are available
You can change size specifically
Change background color to fit your themes and layouts
Enable or disable hints to give some help
For more details and examples visit the plugin page on WordPress Sliding Plugin
How to use
Use the wordpress post shortcut [sliding-mp] for default setup or with parameter for individualizing for each post.
– [sliding-mp]
– [sliding-mp size=400 pieces=4 showhints=1 bgcolor=’#ffffff’ myimage=” showlink=1]
– [sliding-mp size=460 pieces=3 showhints=0 bgcolor=’#f4f4f4′ myimage=’’]
– [sliding-mp size=460 pieces=4 showhints=0 bgcolor=’#f4f4f4′ gallery=’wp-content/uploads/myimages’]
When using the resize option is not possible you have to resize the images yourself.
The best size for the puzzle is about maximum height of 400 and maximum width of 400.
So depending on the height/width ration you have to resize your image to fit one side the maximum value while beeing less on the other.
Visit WordPress Sliding Plugin