Simple post listing free WordPress plugin


Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: list posts

Simple post listing free WordPress plugin

This is another simple plugin to show a list of posts from your blog. Use the [postlist] shortcode on any post or page. The shortcode supports several options: category: If defined, show posts only from this category. Specify the category using its slug identifier. If you provide multiple comma-seperated category slugs then they will all be included. tag: If defined, show posts only from this tag. Specify the tag using its slug identifier. If you provide multiple comma-seperated tag slugs then they will all be included. style: One of list (default) or post. If it is list, then the list style is indented and bulleted. If it is post then the title is promoted to

and the list style is plain. text: One of none (default), excerpt, excerpt-formatted, or normal. If it is excerpt, then the post excerpt is shown, similar to search results. If it is normal then the full post (up to the [more] tag) is shown. more_text: Specify the text to append onto truncated excerpts. Defaults to …. null_text: If no results are returned, shows this text. Defaults to (none). class_name: If defined, adds this class name to the generated
    element. Useful for custom styling. show_date: If defined, the post date will precede the post title. date_format: If showing the date, this php date format will be used. The default is the Date Format value from the General Settings page. I recommend “F j, Y”, which displays as “May 12, 2012”. q: Arbitrary &-separated arguments to add to the query. See the WP_Query page for available syntax. For example, to show only three posts and you want to show them in ascending instead of descending order, you would write [postlist q=”posts_per_page=3&order=ASC”]. The output can then be further formatted using CSS. We recommend the plugin Improved Simpler CSS for quickly styling your post list (and your site)! This plugin can also be easily made into a widget by placing the shortcode into a text widget, and activating the Shortcodes in sidebar plugin. Report bugs, give feedback, or fork this plugin on GitHub.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Simple post listing free WordPress plugin