Post Expirator free WordPress plugin
Post Expirator free WordPress plugin
The Post Expirator plugin allows the user to set expiration dates for both posts and pages. There are a number of different ways that the posts can expire:
Categories: Replace
Categories: Add
Categories: Remove
For each expiration event, a custom cron job will be schedule which will help reduce server overhead for busy sites.
The expiration date can be displayed within the actual post by using the [postexpirator] tag. The format attribute will override the plugin
default display format. See the PHP Date Function for valid date/time format options.
NOTE: This plugin REQUIRES that WP-CRON is setup and functional on your webhost. Some hosts do not support this, so please check and confirm if you run into issues using the plugin.
Plugin homepage WordPress Post Expirator.
New! Feature Requests Please enter all feature requests here. Requests entered via the plugin website or support forum may be missed.
[postexpirator] shortcode attributes
type – defaults to full – valid options are full,date,time
dateformat – format set here will override the value set on the settings page
timeformat – format set here will override the value set on the settings page
This plugin is fully compatible with WordPress Multisite Mode.