Swiper Js Slider free WordPress plugin


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Swiper Js Slider free WordPress plugin

Swiper Js Slider/Carousel with Multirow Simple to use and very effective. Most Modern Mobile Touch Slider MOST POWERFUL FEATURES Parameters * slidesPerView | To Set Slider in to Carousel * spaceBetween | In Carousel space between slides * slidesPerColumn | Muti Row with Carousel * initialSlide | Position of slider with index * direction | Vertial or Horizontal * speed | Sliders speed * autoHeight | Auto Height adjust according to image height * effect | Multiple Effects Autoplay * On/Off. * Delay * Stop On Last Slide. * Disable On Interection. * Reverse Direction. * Wait For Transition. Pagination * Pagination enable/disable. * Pagination Custom Class. * Pagination clickable True/False. * 3 Types : Bullets, Fraction, Progress Bar. * bulletElement : span, div, a. * Bullet Custom Class. * Bullet Custom Active Class. * Active Custom Class. * Clickable Custom Class. * lockClass Custom Class. Navigation * Next Button Custom Class. * Previous Button Custom Class. * Disabled Custom Class. * Hidden Custom Class. Next version Will Improve user experience and flexibility to make it more powerfull. More options will be added.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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Swiper Js Slider free WordPress plugin