WordPress Graphs & Charts – Easy Interactive HTML5 Charts Plugin free WordPress plugin
WordPress Graphs & Charts – Easy Interactive HTML5 Charts Plugin free WordPress plugin
Create beautiful, interactive HTML5 charts with Graphs & Charts.
A very user-friendly WordPress plugin to create beautiful, interactive charts and graphs. It has an interactive builder to show you live updates of the charts as you enter the data. The plugin supports 8 commonly used chart types. It’s completely free to use, well-designed and no paid upgrades needed ever. Embed anywhere with a shortcode.
Eight Supported Chart Types
The plugin currently supports 8 chart types.
Feature Overview
Interactive Editor
Fast and Easy to Use
Beautiful Charts
Integrated with WordPress Editor
Eight chart types
Unlimited Graphs
Supports All Modern Browsers
Interactive Editor
A very user-friendly and interactive editor provides a smooth experience while building the graph. The graph will preview in the right pane of the editor while you are building it. We followed the patterns of WordPress’s user interface, so it feels very intuitive to the user.
Fast and Easy to Use
The plugin is built with Vue.js. It behaves like a single page webapp. There’s no need for page reload at all. It feels very fast and responsive to the user. Compared to the other plugins, Graphs & Charts provide significantly better user experience.
The plugin provides enough guide for the first time users to quickly grasp the interface.
Beautiful Charts
Charts are powered by chartjs, a very popular javascript library known for beautiful, interactive charts. All aspects of the charts are configurable to match the design of your site.
Integrated with WordPress Editor
The plugin is integrated with WordPress editor. There’s no need to go to another tab to access it. The whole app works from a single popup window that’s activated by clicking on the ‘Insert Graph’ on the toolbar.
Unlimited Graphs
There is no limits, no promotions or lock-ins. Use it free on unlimited sites. If you need advanced features or any customizations, our team can help.
If you find this plugin helpful, check our other plugins too.