Songkick Concerts and Festivals free WordPress plugin
Songkick Concerts and Festivals free WordPress plugin
This plugin lets you display upcoming or past events for a Songkick user, artist, venue, or metro area on your WordPress blog.
Events can be displayed by adding the Songkick widget to your template, or by adding the shortcode [songkick_concerts_and_festivals] anywhere in your blog.
Upcoming events for an artist
Past events for an artist
Upcoming events for a venue
Upcoming events for a user
Past events for a user
Upcoming events for a metro area. A metro area is a city or a collection of cities that Songkick uses to notify users of concerts near them.
Widget or shortcode format
Show events for multiple artists, users, venues, or metro areas.
Paginated list of events
HTML markup with support for events as defined by
This plugin uses a non-commercial Songkick API key. If you have a commercial website, you’ll need your own Songkick API key. Please read through Songkick’s API terms of use. Apply for a key here: Songkick API docs
This plugin requires PHP 5.6.20 or higher
Go to the Settings page to configure default options for the plugin. You can also specify your settings under Plugins/Widget or via shortcode options.
For a user, simply put your username in the admin interface.
For an artist, you should use the artist’s Songkick id, as shown in the url for your artist page. For example, the url “” has the id “123”.
The same goes for metro areas: “” has the id “123”.
And venues: “” has the id “123”.
Go to the admin Widgets page and simply drag the widget into a sidebar and configure it.
Add the shortcode [songkick_concerts_and_festivals] in the content of any blog post.
When using a shortcode, you can set which artist, venue, metro area, or user you want to display events for, allowing you to show events for different entities:
Users: [songkick_concerts_and_festivals songkick_id=your_username songkick_id_type=user]
Artists: [songkick_concerts_and_festivals songkick_id=your_artist_id songkick_id_type=artist]
Venues: [songkick_concerts_and_festivals songkick_id=your_venue_id songkick_id_type=venue]
Metro areas: [songkick_concerts_and_festivals songkick_id=your_metro_area_id songkick_id_type=metro_area]
Override shortcode settings:
no_calendar_style=true|false — removes the calendar style from the event dates
order=asc|desc – sort order for artist or user events
PHP code
You can call the shortcode method directly in your PHP code:
Blogs using this plugin
Know any blogs using this plugin? Let me know!
This is an open source project that I maintain during my spare time. I welcome contributions!
The code lives on Github. To send your contribution, fork my project, make your lovely changes, and send me a pull request. Thanks