Social Counters free WordPress plugin


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Social Counters free WordPress plugin

It allows to place counters and social sharing links to the most popular social networks like Menéame, Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, Tuenti or It also has WordPress actions (add_action) and filters (add_filter) allowing to select the social sharing links we want to show. The available functions are: the_social_counters( $counters = array() ): Displays selected social counters. $counters: Array with list of social counters to view, by default bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook the_social_counters__get ( $counters = array() ): Returns the selected social counters. $counters: Array with list of social counters to view, by default bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook social_counter( $social_counter = ”, $postparam = false, $linked = true ): Displays a particular social counter $social_counter: Name of social counter, by default the options are bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook $postparam: $post object to get the counter, by default system use global $post; $linked: Simple option to de-activate link. social_counter__get( $social_counter = ”, $postparam = false, $linked = true ): Returns a particular social counter $social_counter: Name of social counter, by default the options are bitacoras,tuenti,google-buzz,meneame,twitter,facebook $postparam: $post object to get the counter, by default system uses global $post var. $linked: Simple option to de-activate link. It’s also possible to define two constants in ‘wp-config.php’… SOCIAL_COUNTER__LOAD_CSS: If we define this constant as false, the plugin will not load the default style. SOCIAL_COUNTER__LOAD_CSS_SMALL: If we define this constanta as true, the plugin will load de small icons. SOCIAL_COUNTER__TWITTER_USER: The twitter sharing link includes this username with the RT link.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels:

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Social Counters free WordPress plugin