Image Store free WordPress plugin
Image Store free WordPress plugin
This plugin was created because there was a need in the WordPress community to have an images store that did not required the installation of multiple plugins. Enjoy!! and please support the plugin. :@)
The plugin fully integrated with the WordPress database, so you will not find any extra tables on your database (Cool!.. at least for me, I hate extra tables). NextGEN Gallery alternative.
Shortcode guide
Payment notification.
Paypal Cart integration.
Google checkout integration
WP edit image integration.
Image RSS.
Gallery widget.
Galley shortcode.
Gallery expiration.
Sort images feature.
CSV sales download.
CSV customer download.
Sales menu: To keep track of you sales.
Image upload: Via a zip-file(no zip-mod required).
Dynamic generation of sepia and black & white images.
Taxonomy (albums/tags): Group Galleries using custom taxonomy.
Price lists: Create only list and apply across galleries.
Gallery Comments: allow user to add comments to galleries.
Watermark function: You can add a watermark image or text.
Image download: Allow user to download image after purchase.
Disable Store: Use it just like a gallery manager and not a store.
Folder import: add galleries by just uploading image through FTP.
Public Galleries: display your photos so that anybody can buy them.
Secure Galleries: Secure clients photos so that only they can see them.
User Permissions: Give access to users to specific sections of the plugin.
Customer menu: Keep track of your galleries and customers.
Plugin uninstall: Remove all entries added by the plugin.
Trent Foley(
Jack Moore,Alex Gregory(