Star Rating for Reviews free WordPress plugin
Star Rating for Reviews free WordPress plugin
Star Rating for Reviews is a simple WordPress plugin that inserts pretty rating stars based on the score you assign using intuitive, inline [rating:] tags. It can also calculate and output overall ratings for you based on all previous scores you have assigned, useful for reviews that have multiple categories or an album review where each track is assigned a score.
This plugin supports storing rating data into your WordPress database. These data can then be retrieved by plugin functions to output a list of reviews, sortable by date, post title or rating scores. Random reviews function and single post function (to be used in WordPress loop) are also provided, see Usage section for detailed description of these functions.
uses simple, intuitive tags to generate kawaii inline rating stars for your posts
supports versatile rating systems
supports text only output for RSS
automatically calculates and displays overall ratings, if desired
supports storing rating scores automatically into database *
supports outputting list of reviews sortable by date, post title or rating scores *
supports widget-like, sortable table of reviews *
supports custom star images
supports custom prefixes and suffixes for your own CSS class
supports globally forced star count for consistency
uses as many stars as you want! **
standards compliant: valid XHTML