Post grid and filter ultimate free WordPress plugin
Post grid and filter ultimate free WordPress plugin
Easy way to display WordPress post in grid view and post grid with filter. Display anywhere via shortcode. lots more shortcode parameters give you extend as your needs.
Post grid and filter ultimate helps you to display any WordPress posts on any page, in responsive grid and list easily, without coding.
Check Demo and Features for additional information.
Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
Features include:
Post grid with 2 designs.
Post grid filter with 2 designs.
Display recent posts in a second.
Display posts on page, sidebar widgets, theme file.
Sort posts by title, date, ID
Display featured image in any size (thumbnail, medium, large, full)
Limit number of posts to display
Enable/Disable pagination (2 type of paginations)
Lost of shortcode parameters.
Fully Responsive.
100% Multilanguage.
Plugin contains 2 shortcodes
[pgaf_post_grid] – Post Grid Shortcode [pgaf_post_filter] – Post Filter Shortcode
Here is shortcode parameters for Grid
limit : [pgaf_post_grid limit=”10″] (Display latest 10 posts and then pagination).
cat_id : [pgaf_post_grid cat_id=”category_id”] (Display posts categories wise).
include_cat_child : [pgaf_post_grid include_cat_child=”false”] (Include cat child or not. Values are “true” or “false”).
design: [pgaf_post_grid design=”design-1″] (Select the design to display. there are 2 designs ie design-1 and design-2 ).
grid : [pgaf_post_grid grid=”2″](Display post in Grid formats).
order : [pgaf_post_grid order=”DESC”] (Post order ie DESC or ASC).
orderby: [pgaf_post_grid orderby=”date”] (Order by post ie ID, author, title, date, name, rand etc).
image_fit : [pgaf_post_grid image_fit=”true”] (Fit the post image in wrap. Values are “true” or “false”).
media_size : [pgaf_post_grid media_size=”large”] (Set the featured image size to diplay in post Values are thumbnail, medium, large, full).
image_height : [pgaf_post_grid image_height=”300″] (Set featured image height).
show_date : [pgaf_post_grid show_date=”false”] (Display post date OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “ture OR false”)
show_author : [pgaf_post_grid show_author=”true”] (Display post author. Values are “true” or “false”).
show_content : [pgaf_post_grid show_content=”true” ] (Display post Short content OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “ture OR false”).
show_read_more : [pgaf_post_grid show_read_more=”true”] (Display Read more button or not. Options are “ture OR false”)
show_category_name : [pgaf_post_grid show_category_name=”true” ] (Display post category name OR not. By default value is “True”. Options are “ture OR false”).
content_words_limit : [pgaf_post_grid content_words_limit=”30″ ] (Control post short content Words limt. By default limit is 20 words).
content_tail : [pgaf_post_grid content_tail=”..” ] (Set content tail).
pagination : [pgaf_post_grid pagination=”true” ] (Set content tail).
pagination_type : [pgaf_post_grid pagination_type=”numeric” ] (values are “prev-next” and “numeric”).
show_comments : [pgaf_post_grid show_comments=”true” ] (Options are “ture OR false”).
Here is shortcode parameters for grid filter
cat_id : [pgaf_post_filter cat_id=”category_id”] (Display posts categories wise).
include_cat_child : [pgaf_post_filter include_cat_child=”false”] (Include cat child or not. Values are “true” or “false”).
design: [pgaf_post_filter design=”design-1″] (Select the design to display. there are 2 designs ie design-1 and design-2 ).
grid : [pgaf_post_filter grid=”2″](Display post in Grid formats).
order : [pgaf_post_filter order=”DESC”] (Post order ie DESC or ASC).
orderby: [pgaf_post_filter orderby=”date”] (Order by post ie ID, author, title, date, name, rand etc).
image_fit : [pgaf_post_filter image_fit=”true”] (Fit the post image in wrap. Values are “true” or “false”).
media_size : [pgaf_post_filter media_size=”large”] (Set the featured image size to diplay in post Values are thumbnail, medium, large, full).
image_height : [pgaf_post_filter image_height=”300″] (Set featured image height).
show_date : [pgaf_post_filter show_date=”false”] (Display post date OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “ture OR false”)
show_author : [pgaf_post_filter show_author=”true”] (Display post author. Values are “true” or “false”).
show_content : [pgaf_post_filter show_content=”true” ] (Display post Short content OR not. By default value is “true”. Options are “ture OR false”).
show_read_more : [pgaf_post_filter show_read_more=”true”] (Display Read more button or not. Options are “ture OR false”)
show_category_name : [pgaf_post_filter show_category_name=”true” ] (Display post category name OR not. By default value is “True”. Options are “ture OR false”).
content_words_limit : [pgaf_post_filter content_words_limit=”30″ ] (Control post short content Words limt. By default limit is 20 words).
content_tail : [pgaf_post_filter content_tail=”..” ] (Set content tail).
show_comments : [pgaf_post_filter show_comments=”true” ] (Options are “ture OR false”).
cat_orderby : [pgaf_post_filter cat_orderby=”name” ]
all_filter_text : [pgaf_post_filter all_filter_text=”All” ]
Template code is