Archive free WordPress plugin
Archive free WordPress plugin
Archive your post types, also possible via cron; but only active via var inside the php-file.
Use the shortcode [archive] to list all posts from Archive with status publish to a page or post.
The shortcode can use different params and use the follow defaults.
‘count’ => -1, // count or -1 for all posts ‘category’ => ”, // Show posts associated with certain categories. ‘tag’ => ”, // Show posts associated with certain tags. ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’, // status or all for all posts ‘echo’ => ‘true’, // echo or give an array for use external ‘return_markup’ => ‘ul’, // markup before echo title, content ‘title_markup’ => ‘li’, // markup before item ‘content’ => ‘false’, // view also content? ‘debug’ => ‘false’ // debug mor vor view an array
An example for use shortcode with params: [archive count=”10″ content=”true”]
Also you can change the parameters to create the custom post type of the Archiv via the filter hook archive_post_type_arguments.
Crafted by Inpsyde · Engineering the web since 2006.