WordPress Charts free WordPress plugin
WordPress Charts free WordPress plugin
Create amazing HTML5 charts easily in WordPress. A flexible and lightweight WordPress chart plugin including 6 customizable chart types (line, bar, pie, radar, polar area and doughnut types) as well as a fallback to provide support for older IE.
Incorporates the fantastic chart.js script : http://www.chartjs.org/ created by Nivk Downie.
6 Chart types
Visualise your data in different ways. Each of them animated, fully customisable and look great, even on retina displays.
HTML5 Based
Chart.js uses the HTML5 canvas element. It supports all modern browsers, and polyfills provide support for IE7/8.
Simple and Flexible
Chart.js is dependency free, lightweight (4.5k when minified and gzipped) and offers loads of customisation options.
(above descriptions taken from chartjs.org)
New WP Charts Widget
Brand new WP Charts Widget, basic options for now, more on there way.
Latest Fix / Patch
Proportions Proerty now works (and works responsively), an example as been added to the installation section.
The Widget is now working
Features Coming Soon
Chart Key tables, next big change up!
Additional Widget Options.
Editor admin pop up to make creating beautiful charts faster than you can say “user friendly”
Color palette themes for quick stylish data
Plugin Options for extensive chart control by setting your own sensible defaults (just for you fiddly folk)